Kamis, 09 April 2015

8 Precepts For Pregnant Women

8 Precepts For Pregnant Women
cream pemutih wajah yang aman

Pregnancy certainly elements cream pemutih wajah yang aman  that anticipated by the couple who had been married. For maintaining a healthy pregnancy until the baby is born is still is the aspect that needs attention specially. Here are 8 taboo that should not be done by women during pregnancy.

1. Drink a certain
Drinks that contain certain substances such as coffee, alcohol, herbal teas and contain artificial sweeteners such as saccharin, it is forbidden to eat pregnant women. Husus coffee, actually is still allowed to eat, especially for coffee enthusiasts or cravings pregnant women who drink coffee, but only one cup a week.

2. Raw foods
All categories of food that is not cooked raw or undercooked ways, such as raw or undercooked eggs, sashimi, sushi, processed foods such as salad dressings and mayonnaise fresh, as well as fresh vegetables, do not eat when recommended for pregnancy.
This factor because the raw food that is eaten, will contain bacteria and parasites such as Toxoplasma, Listeria monocytogenes or Salmonella. With the exception of raw foods, foods containing preservatives, dyes and potentially contain pollutants such as fish size and age regal elderly, for example, are advised not eat shark. Smoked seafood is also not recommended for pregnant women eat.

3. sour and spicy food
To season cravings, pregnant women did was not uncommon hope that acidic or spicy foods, such as salad, pickles or pickled. However, when the flavors have cravings strike, should avoid acidic and spicy foods it is, especially for pregnant women, patients with ulcer disease or gastric acid, which is also suffering from typhus to when pregnant.

4. Massage
Massage, namely traditions do when his Indonesian citizens tired of whack. But for pregnant women, not recommended for carry massage except pregnancy massage, and carried out by experts, experienced also certified by legal means.

5. Vigorous exercise
Although pregnant women enthusiasts, addicts or athletes, strenuous exercise is still not allowed for pregnant women. It is recommended that pregnant women carry light exercise such as walking or gymnastics pregnancy, which is currently not the least taught in classes of pregnancy or maternity hospital.

6. Product certain beauty
So Many beauty product there is not good for pregnant women because it contains substances that are harmful to the fetus, such as anti-acne product or cleanser that contains salicylic acid, beta hydroxy or BHA. Not only that, the makeup that contains Differin (adapelen), Retin-A or Renova (tretinoin), retinoic acid, retinol, retinyl, tazarotene and salicyclic acid and prohibited. Pregnant women should consult with a gynecologist and doctor beauty For use makeup or beauty product that is safe for the fetus.

7. Surgery
Prohibited any surgery done in the season of pregnancy. An example would run against breast plastic surgery. Operation should be done after giving birth and the child is not breastfeeding. For each surgery which can be greater risk to the pregnant woman and her fetus.

Plastic surgery of the breast may also be at risk of lactation against pregnant women. If it was forced to do the surgery as a result of an accident or other, it is advisable for consultation with a gynecologist and surgeon.

8. Inject Botox
Although this has not been found to be up when the risk of a dangerous necessarily of Botox injections to the fetus and pregnancy, but this factor should not be told when pregnant. These factors cause Botox injections continue to utilize foreign substance that is inserted into the body. If it was very used and is urgently needed, consult with your doctor or plastic surgeon.

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